IntroductionCurrently, type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is defined as an autoimmune disorder classically characterised by pancreatic islet beta-cell destruction triggered by autoreactive T cells, resulting in subsequent severe insulin deficiency and lifelong reliance on exogenous insulin.1 2 This autoimmune diabetes accounts for 5%âÂÂ19% of diabetes and represents the main form of diabetes in children and buy levitra online from canada adolescents.3 Its incidence is increasing worldwide at a rate of 2%âÂÂ5% per year.4 This rising incidence and multiple severe diabetic complications lead to increased mortality and morbidity and aggravate the economic burden of the disease. It is accepted that the interplay between genetic buy levitra online from canada factors and environmental precipitators, including ancestry and geographic location, viral and bacterial s, vitamin D, hygiene and microbiota, leads to specific tissue inflammation, namely, insulitis, insulin-producing cell death and consequent clinical disease.5âÂÂ9The genetic component of T1DM can be demonstrated by the fact that siblings and offspring of patients with T1DM have a higher risk than the general population, and disease concordance in identical twins is higher than that in dizygotic twins.10 11 Over the past few years, genome-wide association study (GWAS), which measures and analyses a million or more DNA sequence variations in known linkage regions in unrelated individuals, have identified at least 58 susceptible loci combined with linkage analysis and candidate gene studies (figure 1).12âÂÂ14 Most of the identified variants are common (minor allele frequency (MAF) >5%) and have modest effects (OR <1.5), although the effects of susceptibility genes such as human leucocyte antigen (HLA), insulin (INS) and protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) are stronger (figure 1).13 The HLA region (OR >6), located on human chromosome 6p21 and identified by linkage analysis, accounts for the largest proportion of T1DM heritability and explains approximately 50% of genetic T1DM risk.15 In addition to HLA, variants within the INS and PTPN22 loci, which were first identified by candidate gene studies, have larger effect sizes (OR >2) than other variants.13 The INS gene on human chromosome 11p15.5 offers the next strongest genetic risk association with T1DM after HLA and accounts for approximately 10% of genetic susceptibility to T1DM.16 It is believed that âÂÂmissing heritabilityâ can be at least partially elucidated by rare and low-frequency variants (rare variants defined as variants with MAF â¤1%âÂÂand low-frequency variants defined as variants with MAF=1%âÂÂ5%), and some findings have indicated that rare variants have larger effect sizes than common variants.17âÂÂ19 From an evolutionary standpoint, risk variants with higher penetrance are more likely to be rare due to negative selection. Taking an extreme example, monogenic/Mendelian disorders such as autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome type I are caused by rare variants with large effect sizes and high penetrance.
Intriguingly, recent and previous studies focusing on the identification of rare and low-frequency variants involved in T1DM have found a handful of such variants, and some of buy levitra online from canada them do have large effect sizes.13 20âÂÂ23Candidate genes or loci of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and their ORs (the yellow bars represent the rare and low-frequency genetic variants of T1DM).76âÂÂ79 " data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 1 Candidate genes or loci of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and their ORs (the yellow bars represent the rare and low-frequency genetic variants of T1DM).76âÂÂ79However, some studies suggest that most rare variants have only small or modest effects.24 Therefore, it remains to be seen whether the tendency of rare and low-frequency variants to have large effects is a universal phenomenon. Even though its practical value in clinical medicine may be restricted if the buy levitra online from canada hypothesis that most rare variants have only a small effect is true, there is still intrinsic value in this field. Such studies can lead to the discovery of new candidate genes implicated in disorders or human phenotypes25 and determine causal genes in candidate regions identified by GWAS.
Other than understanding better its pathophysiology, new loci could lead to the identification of new biomarkers or represent drug targets for T1DM.Identifying rare and low-frequency variantsRecently, advances in next-generation DNA sequencing technologies buy levitra online from canada as well as bioinformatic tools and methods to process and analyse the resulting data have enhanced the ability of researchers to find rare variants, and the decreasing cost of these technologies has made it feasible to apply them to related studies (table 1).26 The most comprehensive approach is high-depth whole-genome sequencing (WGS) due to its excellent coverage. However, high costs and multiple computational challenges have restricted its application.21 In addition to WGS with high buy levitra online from canada or low depth, SNP-array genome-wide genotyping and imputation has been used to identify rare variants. Notably, current sequencing depth (especially 30x) of WGS is likely to miss at least some coding variants as compared with whole-exome sequencing (WES, especially >100x).View this table:Table 1 Technologies and study designs for detecting rare variantsThere are some lower-cost alternatives as well.
First, a combination of low-depth WGS and imputation is another buy levitra online from canada choice. Imputation is a statistical method that can determine genotypes that are not directly detected buy levitra online from canada by taking advantage of various previously sequenced reference panels. For instance, MartÃÂnez-Bueno and Alarcón-Riquelme identified rare variants that were jointly associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) within 98 SLE candidate genes by applying genome-wide imputation and other techniques.27 Notably, some studies have indicated that the newer imputation panels, such as the recent Haplotype Reference Consortium panel and the combined UK10K and 1000 Genomes projects phase III, provide better quality of imputation for rare variants compared with early panel, such as the UK10K, which underlines the significance and potential of larger reference panels to impute rare variants.28 29 Nevertheless, the power of imputation for identifying rare variants is attenuated because its accuracy decreases with decreasing MAF.
Additionally, studies have indicated that the utility of population-specific panels leads to improved imputation accuracy of rare variants.30 Therefore, the utilisation buy levitra online from canada of imputation is relatively limited in non-European populations because of the lack of ethnicity-specific reference cohorts.Second, using WES finds rare variants within protein-coding regions. Given the reality that only an exceedingly small portion of the human genome is coding sequence and buy levitra online from canada the functions of protein-coding variants are more easily interpreted, WES is considered a cost-effective technique for discovering rare variants. However, an obvious defect is that WES ignores non-coding regions, which account for 98% of the human genome.
Moreover, most loci identified by GWAS are located in buy levitra online from canada non-coding regions, and evidence indicates that these regions play critical roles in complex disorders and have significant biological functions.31 32Third, targeted sequencing investigates a specific part of the genome, including candidate genes identified by previous studies and clinically significant genes. For instance, Rivas et al identified a protein-truncating variant of the gene RNF186 that can exert a protective effect against ulcerative colitis via changed localisation and decreased expression by conducting targeted sequencing in regions previously associated with buy levitra online from canada inflammatory bowel disease. They found that this loss-of-function variant was a promising therapeutic target.33 However, some targeted sequencing studies have failed to detect rare risk variants, indicating the deficiency of this method in discovering rare and low-frequency variants.24 34In addition, burden tests, which collapse information for multiple variants into a single genetic score and analyse the association between the score and disease characteristic, are a common approach in genomics to potentialise identification of rare variants, because aggregating analysis of variants within a gene can improve the power to detect statistical signals between case and control subjects.
For example, a study analysed WES data from 393 patients with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) against 123âÂÂ136 control subjects from public sequencing database, and identified a significant burden in TYRO3, a candidate gene implicated in IHH in mouse models.35 However, this gene-based burden testing approach buy levitra online from canada will lose power when effects of variants are not in the same direction or the causal variants only account for a small fraction.36Traditional genetic studies have focused mostly on DNA sequences collected from unrelated individuals. However, a variety of new study designs have been applied to finding rare variants with the goal buy levitra online from canada of decreasing sample sizes and costs. The common feature of these designs, including extreme phenotype sampling, population isolates and family studies (table 1), is that they improve the power of rare variant testing by selecting a specific population.37âÂÂ39Challenges for identifying rare and low-frequency variantsThe detection and analysis of rare and low-frequency variants constitute a rising research field, but this field has encountered substantial obstacles and challenges.
First, the statistical analysis of buy levitra online from canada rare and low-frequency variants is far more complicated and difficult than the analysis of common variants. For example, because the number of rare variants is greater than the number of common variants, the significance threshold or p value established for GWAS is not appropriate for rare variant association studies.40 The linkage disequilibrium (LD) r2 between two rare variants or a common variant and a rare variant cannot be accurately calculated, and as such it is difficult to define if novel rare variants are independent from known rare or common variants.41 42 A variety of traditional methods used to reduce or eliminate confounding factors and population stratification, such as linear mixed effect models and principal components analysis, are not applicable to the analysis of rare and low-frequency buy levitra online from canada variants because rare variants and the distribution of disease risk are strictly localised. A study indicates that the estimated ancestry scores can be used to control the population stratification if the pool of control is large.
Also, off-targeted read might be applied for controlling population stratification in targeted sequencing.43 Moreover, because these variants are rare, the strategy used to analyse common variants, which is based on analysing a single variant at a time, is underpowered to detect rare variants and can do so only if the effect size or sample size is exceedingly large.44 Thus, alternative methods have been developed to analyse the aggregate effect of rare variants.45âÂÂ47 These methods, such as burden tests, variance component test and exponential combination tests, evaluate association for multiple variants in a gene or a biologically region buy levitra online from canada. Combined analysis of genetic association data with other biological information, such as methylation, gene expression and biological pathways, can also leads to substantial gain In the statistical power of rare variants studies.48âÂÂ50Second, it still remains buy levitra online from canada challenging to apply genetic information obtained by rare variants association studies to diagnostic and prognostic medicine because some healthy individuals carry deleterious variants. For example, Flannick et al found that a large portion of the general population carries low-frequency non-synonymous mutations that can change the length or sequence of coding proteins in maturity-onset diabetes of young genes, and these carriers remain normoglycaemic through middle age.51 In addition, Bick et al discovered that rare variants in sarcomere protein genes could boost the risk of adverse cardiovascular events in Framingham Heart Study participants, and more surprisingly, a large number of non-synonymous variants, including nonsense, missense and splice variants, are present in healthy populations.52 Therefore, the functional validation of rare and low-frequency genetic variants is necessary to determine the causality in genotype-phenotype analysis.Third, many rare and low-frequency variants are geographically localised and population specific, so it is difficult to find suitable replication panels and generate a common population.
Nelson et al sequenced 202 drug target genes in coding regions in 14âÂÂ002 people and buy levitra online from canada found that 95% of observed variants are rare and at least 74% are detected in only one or two individuals.53 Similarly, a study conducted in 2440 individuals of African and European ancestry found that 86% of over 500âÂÂ000 variants identified are rare, and most are previously unknown.54 Notably, these studies indicate that the vast majority of rare variant allelic spectra are unique to their sample sets and need to be identified by direct resequencing.Finally, although some detection studies of rare and low-frequency variants, such as WES and data processing software, are relatively standardised, many aspects of this emerging field, including WES capture technologies and even the definition of rare variants, still do not have uniform standards. Therefore, combining data generated from different groups is problematic.Benefits of identifying rare and low-frequency variantsIt has been suggested that rare and low-frequency variants account for buy levitra online from canada a large proportion of the genetic variation in the human genome represented by the 1000 Genomes Project.55 56 Although a substantial number of SNPs have been identified by GWAS, there is still a so-called âÂÂmissing heritabilityâ phenomenon in complex disorders.57 For instance, GWAS have identified >80 common variants with small effect sizes for T2DM, which can explain only 10% of the total heritability.58 To address this issue, several hypotheses have been proposed, and great technological advances have provided a better understanding of the genetic architecture of common diseases over the past several years. Rare and low-frequency variants can influence both susceptibility to common complex diseases and their phenotypes (table 2).59âÂÂ62 For example, researchers performed WGS in 1038 pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH, a rare disorder characterised by occlusion of arterioles in the lung) cases and 6385 control subjects and make the total proportion of cases explained by mutations increased to 23.5% from previously established 19.9% by incorporating novel rare variants and genes identified.63 Also, a study indicated that rare variants of SLC22A12 gene influence urate reabsorption and the heritability explained by these SLC22A12 variants exceeds 10%, indicating that rare functional variants make substantial contribution to the âÂÂmissing heritabilityâ of serum urate level.64 In fact, a âÂÂcommon disease-rare variant modelâ that assumes rare variants with high penetrance may be involved in increased complex disease risk has been proposed.59 65 It is obvious that great genetic heterogeneity exists under this model.
Intriguingly, in line with this model, some autoimmune diseases, such as T1DM, are extremely heterogeneous.View this table:Table 2 Rare and low-frequency variants associated with T1DM, T2DM and other autoimmune diseasesBesides rare and low-frequency genetic variants, there are some other hypotheses to explain the âÂÂmissing heritabilityâÂÂ.59 For example, empirical and theoretical analyses have indicated that multiple genetic variants with small effects are missed because GWAS are underpowered to buy levitra online from canada capture these variants, therefore, taking into account genetic variants with smaller effects that do not reach significance will contribute to disease susceptibility and phenotype variability. Additionally, structural variants, such as CNV, are poorly studied owing to buy levitra online from canada insufficient coverage on SNP chips.66 The presence of gene-gene (epistasis) and gene-environmental interactions may also contribute to the âÂÂmissing heritabilityâÂÂ.67In addition, the candidate regions identified by GWAS sometimes harbour several different genes. Identifying rare genetic variants is helpful to pinpoint causal genes within the loci identified by GWAS.68 Moreover, the identification of rare and low-frequency variants may result in the identification of new candidate genes.40 For instance, researchers identified a heterozygote truncating mutation within CLCN1 gene by performing WES in patients with statin-associated myopathy and therefore, determined a novel candidate gene of this disease.69 Additionally, it has been suggested that rare variants are likely to have appeared more recently than common variants, leading to reduced LD and making them more easily interpretable than common variants.21Moreover, early studies have indicated that rare and low-frequency genetic variants may have larger effects on complex disease phenotypes and susceptibility than common variants.70 Therefore, it is helpful to reveal the genetic pathways underlying diseases and to provide clinically actionable targets for personalised medicine.
As an example, Roth et al found that rare and low-frequency genetic variants with large phenotypic effects within the proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 (PCSK9) gene, which encodes products that bind to the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor and increase its degradation, can lower the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) by reducing the circulating level of LDL cholesterol.71 Based on this research, a fully human monoclonal antibody targeting PCSK9 has been proven to increase LDL receptor recycling and decrease LDL buy levitra online from canada cholesterol level.72 These findings provide a new treatment and prevention strategy for hypercholesterolaemia and CHD and offer inspiration for the transformation of genetic discoveries into clinical practice.Rare and low-frequency variants and T1DMFocusing on autoimmune diabetes, fully understanding the genetic factors underlying T1DM is beneficial for revealing its pathophysiology, discovering new drug targets and developing predictive and personalised medicine (figure 2). It is especially vital buy levitra online from canada and valuable because T1DM is extremely complex and heterogeneous. The candidate T1DM loci identified by GWAS sometimes contain several distinct genes, and strong LD makes it difficult to pinpoint the precise causative genes in genomic regions.
In addition, the fact that many SNPs reside in non-coding regions or do not have obvious functional effects offers buy levitra online from canada few clues to ascertain the causative genes. However, the discovery of rare and low-frequency buy levitra online from canada disease-associated variants is helpful for T1DM candidate gene identification. The T1DM-associated region on human chromosome 2q24 harbours interferon (IFN) induced with helicase C domain 1 (IFIH1), GCA, FAP and part of KCNH7.
The interaction between IFIH1 and double-stranded buy levitra online from canada RNA, a byproduct of viral replication, leads to the secretion of IFNs. While IFIH1 is a plausible susceptibility gene on the basis of its biological function, there is no direct evidence to indicate which of these genes in this locus is responsible buy levitra online from canada for increased T1DM risk. Nejentsev et al resequenced the exons and splice sites of 10 candidate genes in pools of DNA from 480 patients and 480 controls and discovered 4 rare or low-frequency variants (OR=0.51âÂÂ0.74, MAF <3%) with low LD within IFIH1 that could change the structure or expression of its product, melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5 and protect against T1DM.23 This finding suggests that IFIH1 is the disease-causing gene.
Moreover, Ge et al found several rare deleterious variants, including two novel frameshift mutations (ss538819444 and ss37186329) and two missense mutations (rs74163663 and rs56048322) within PTPN22 by deeply sequencing the protein-coding regions of 301 genes in 49 loci buy levitra online from canada previously identified by GWAS in 70 T1DM cases of European ancestry.22 This finding further confirmed that PTPN22 is a T1DM candidate gene on chromosome 1p13.2. Subsequent genotyping in 3609 families with T1DM indicated rs56048322 (MAF=0.87%), which leads to the production of two alternative PTPN22 transcripts and a novel buy levitra online from canada isoform of its encoding protein, LYP, through affecting splicing of PTPN22, was significantly associated with T1DM independent of T1DM-associated common variant rs2476601. Functional analysis showed this isoform of LYP can cause hyporesponsiveness of CD4+ T cell to antigen stimulation in patients with T1DM.50 candidate loci have been identified by genome-wide association study.
The genetic variants within these risk regions can be divided into common variants, low-frequency variants and rare variants according to buy levitra online from canada their different minor allele frequencies. The rare and low-frequency variants buy levitra online from canada are likely to have more practical value in the treatment of T1DM because their ORs are larger than those of common variants. However, as the study of rare and low-frequency variants is an emerging research field, some hypotheses are still controversial and need further investigation.
LD, linkage buy levitra online from canada disequilibrium. MAF. Minor allele frequency." class="highwire-fragment fragment-images colorbox-load" rel="gallery-fragment-images-294585717" data-figure-caption="The development of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM).
T1DM is caused by interplay between genetic and environmental factors, and epigenetics serves as a bridge between the two. To date, >50 candidate loci have been identified by genome-wide association study. The genetic variants within these risk regions can be divided into common variants, low-frequency variants and rare variants according to their different minor allele frequencies.
The rare and low-frequency variants are likely to have more practical value in the treatment of T1DM because their ORs are larger than those of common variants. However, as the study of rare and low-frequency variants is an emerging research field, some hypotheses are still controversial and need further investigation. LD, linkage disequilibrium.
MAF. Minor allele frequency." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 2 The development of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). T1DM is caused by interplay between genetic and environmental factors, and epigenetics serves as a bridge between the two.
To date, >50 candidate loci have been identified by genome-wide association study. The genetic variants within these risk regions can be divided into common variants, low-frequency variants and rare variants according to their different minor allele frequencies. The rare and low-frequency variants are likely to have more practical value in the treatment of T1DM because their ORs are larger than those of common variants.
However, as the study of rare and low-frequency variants is an emerging research field, some hypotheses are still controversial and need further investigation. LD, linkage disequilibrium. MAF.
Minor allele frequency.Additionally, as mentioned above, most variants that confer T1DM risk are common and have modest effects, limiting the clinical application of their discovery. However, some research has suggested that rare and low-frequency variants might have larger effect sizes than common variants. Theoretically, if a disorder affects reproduction, such as an autoimmune disease with early onset, genetic variants with strong effects will be maintained at a relatively low frequency through negative selection.21 Forgetta et al applied deep imputation of genotyped data in 9358 patients with T1DM and 15âÂÂ705 controls from European cohorts to identify novel rare and low-frequency variants with large effect sizes on T1DM risk.13 Three novel rare and low-frequency variants, including rs192324744 in LDL receptor-related protein 1B (LRP1B, MAF=1.3%, OR=1.63), rs60587303 in serine threonine kinase 39 (STK39, MAF=0.5%, OR=1.97) and the intergenic variant rs2128344 (MAF=0.55%, OR=2.12), were found and validated by subsequent de novo genotyping.13 Notably, the effects of these SNPs (ORs âÂÂ¥1.5) are comparable to those of the lead variants in INS and PTPN22.
In vitro experiments indicated that STK39 is involved in T cell activation and effector functions and that inhibition of Stk39 can augment the inflammatory response by enhancing interleukin (IL)-2 signalling. Therefore, STK39 may be a promising clinical intervention target.13Besides, previous study through fine mapping of known T1DM susceptible loci has identified a low-frequency variant rs34536443 (MAF=4%, OR=0.67) within tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) and a rare variant rs41295121 (MAF=1%, OR=0.49) within RNA binding motif protein 17 (RBM17, in the same locus as IL2RA).20 TYK2, belonging to Janus kinase (JAK) family, is associated with regulation of type I IFN signalling pathway. Some studies have demonstrated that rs34530443 plays protective roles in multiple autoimmune disorders and the underlying mechanisms might lie in the diminishment of IL-12, IL-23 and type I IFN signalling.73 The specific function of rs41295121 in context of autoimmunity and T1DM needs further investigation.As for some practical issues such as sample sizes and high costs, a study indicated that a well-powered rare variant association study should include discovery sets with at least 25âÂÂ000 cases and a substantial replication set.44 There are some alternative methods to decrease the sample sizes or costs in the context of T1DM.
For example, combined analysis of rare variants within a T1DM-associated gene or region can lead to substantial reduction of required sample sizes. In addition, preferential selection of individuals with extreme phenotype on the basis of known risk factors, including age of disease onset, family history of diabetes and diabetic auto-antibodies, can also improve the association power because rare variants might be enriched among them.74Overall, among the identified T1DM loci, the candidate genes with rare or low-frequency variants include TYK2, IFIH1, RBM17, PTPN22, STK39 and LRP1B.13 20 22 23 Many unidentified variants may remain to be dissected, because studies focused on other diseases suggest that rare and low-frequency variants account for the majority of all variants.27 75ConclusionDriven by advancements in sequencing technologies, there has been great improvement in the identification of rare and low-frequency variants that cause complex human diseases, such as T1DM. The benefits of this field can be stated as follows.
(1) characterisation of rare and low-frequency variants may lead to a full understanding of the genetic component of this disorder. (2) detection of rare and low-frequency variants can pinpoint the genes that are actually responsible for increased T1DM risk within the loci identified by GWAS. (3) some new candidate genes for T1DM can be found due to enhanced power to discover rare variants.
(4) rare and low-frequency variants are expected to make a significant contribution to human phenotypes and disease susceptibility because some studies indicate the majority of protein-coding variants tend to be evolutionarily recent and rare54. (5) accumulated evidence indicates that rare and low-frequency variants have larger phenotypic effects than common variants, suggesting that they will offer more actionable clinical targets and hold tremendous promise in predictive and personalised medicine.However, some issues remain to be addressed. First, controversy persists about the importance of rare and low-frequency variants in common diseases.
Encouragingly, recent studies have found that some such variants, such as rs60587303 in STK39, indeed have larger effect sizes than common variants in the pathogenesis of T1DM. Second, the candidate genes for T1DM that have rare or low-frequency variants included only TYK2, RBM17, IFIH1, PTPN22, STK39 and LRP1B, which means there may still be many unidentified variants. Moreover, most studies in this field have examined European populations.
However, rare and low-frequency variants are geographically localised and population specific. In particular, the heritable background of T1DM varies among different ethnic groups. These facts will limit the practical application of rare and low-frequency variants.In conclusion, the identification of rare and low-frequency genetic variants will provide new insights into the pathophysiology of T1DM and offer new potential drug targets in the post-GWAS era, despite the many challenges and uncertainties remaining in this field..
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Thomas Bills, M.D., is a psychiatrist with a special interestin sports psychiatry. Dr. Bills is welcoming athletes to his office in theTowsley Building, located on the campus of MidMichigan Medical Center âÂÂMidland. Those who would like to make an appointment may call the office at(989) 839-3385.The history of mental health treatment is a long story. The first private hospitals, known as almshouses, for those with severe symptoms of mental illnesses and the infirmed elderly, were created in the early 18th century.
In the early 19th century, a new idea about care for the mentally ill called âÂÂmoral treatmentâ emerged, which focused on the belief that kindness and quietness in treatment would help with recovery. In the 1840âÂÂs, Thomas Kirkbride developed the âÂÂKirkbride Planâ for moral treatment that included sunshine, fresh air, privacy and comfort. Throughout the 1850s and âÂÂ60s Dorothea Dix traveled throughout the country promoting this approach. By the 1870s virtually all states had such asylums. By the 1890s, private almhouses were sending people to the asylums.
This influx overwhelmed both space and resources of the asylums and threatened their attempts at humane treatment. The Great Depression in the 1930s drastically cut state appropriations and World War II created acute shortages of personnel. A move began to reduce costs. The large psychiatric hospitals began to be reduced to units within general hospitals. Some psychiatrists turned to the new Mental Hygiene movement and created outpatient clinics that focused on preventing psychiatric hospitalizations.
Others focused on the brain pathology and experimented with electric shock therapies, psychosurgery and different kinds of medications. By the 1950s, with the rise of nursing homes for the elderly, the asylum period came to an end. In Michigan, it was University of Michigan Professor William Herdman that set the wheels in motion to build a psychopathic hospital, which opened its doors in 1906, one of the first in the nation. The hospital has lead in cutting-edge research on brain function and the genetic underpinnings of mental illness symptoms ever since, including the development of the biopsychosocial model that is the foundation of psychiatry today. It is out of this same reductionist approach that Partial Hospitalization was born.
Doctors in the 1950s recognized that not all people being treated for mental illness needed overnight stays, even if they needed something more than a weekly appointment in an outpatient clinic. In the early 1960s a group of clinicians involved in the relatively new treatment approach of âÂÂday hospitalâ began to discuss the challenges of this approach. By the end of that decade they had organized the American Association for Partial Hospitalization (AAPH). In 1988, Congress approved a major benefit change for Medicare by including reimbursement for PHP that met a strict definition â treatment five days a week, six hours a day. By the early 1990s, the group had grown to more than 1,200 members and published standards and guidelines for this mode of treatment.
In the mid-1990s, the organization became the Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare (AABH) and now represents hundreds of providers and professionals in the United States, and is the leading advocate for Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) nationally. PHP is often used as a step down from an inpatient stay, or as a way to prevent an inpatient stay. Partial is appropriate for people who are experiencing psychiatric symptoms that interfere with their daily functioning, but are not of imminent danger to themselves or others. The development of the IOP has followed a different route, one steered by the treatment of addictions. Addiction treatment began in an organized way between 1750 and 1850 through âÂÂmutual aid societies.â The asylum model was followed with the opening of âÂÂinebriate homesâ throughout the 19th century.
Outpatient treatment for addiction began with the opening of the Charles B. Towns Hospital in 1901 in New York. In 1906, a church-based therapy program began at BostonâÂÂs Emmanuel Clinic, which laid the foundations for the Alcoholics Anonymous movement, which began in earnest 25 years later. Outpatient addiction treatment options grew from 1920s through the 1950s. In the 1960s, insurances began to reimburse for treatments, which lead to continued growth in options.
The famous Betty Ford Clinic was founded in 1982. With the recognition that addictions often have co-occurring mental illness symptoms, by the 1990s addiction programs were expanding to include treatment for mental illness symptoms also, either as dual diagnosis with addictions or stand-alone diagnoses. Now there are IOP programs that specialize in addictions and those that treat specific mental illnesses, such as eating disorders, bipolar, PTSD, as well as general mental illness. There are also IOPs that serve specific age-related populations such as geriatrics, adolescents and children, as well as general adult programs. IOP may be anywhere from three to five days a week, from three to five hours a day, depending on the program.
Michigan has 25 Partial Programs. MidMichigan Medical Center â GratiotâÂÂs PHP began in 1995. It is one of only three such programs in Michigan north of Lansing. The Gratiot program is an adult program and operates Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. à3 p.m.
The average length of stay is seven days. Insurance coverage is the same as other hospitalization coverage. MidMichigan also has an IOP program for seniors in Gladwin called Senior Life Solutions, which operates three days a week. Depression and anxiety are the most common mental health conditions in the U.S. And the most common conditions treated in GratiotâÂÂs PHP.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, depression affects about 7.1 percent of the U.S adult population, while anxiety affects about 18 percent of U.S. Population. Adults with depression have a 64 percent greater risk of coronary artery disease. Depression often co-occurs with medical conditions. 25 percent of cancer patients experience depression, 10 to 27 percent of post-stroke patients, 30 percent of heart attack survivors, 50 percent of patients with ParkinsonâÂÂs disease, 30 percent of diabetes patients, and 40 to 70 percent of adult caregivers of the elderly struggle with depression.
Women are twice as likely as men to have depression. Research shows that people with anxiety are three to five times more likely to go to the doctor. In fiscal year 2021, depression was the most common diagnosis seen at GratiotâÂÂs PHP with nearly 83 percent of patients having this diagnosis. Thirty percent of those with depression had a secondary diagnosis of anxiety, with an addition 5 percent of patients having a primary anxiety diagnosis. Over 100 years of moderntreatment of depression and anxiety has made it clear that these commonconditions are very treatable.
In the 25 years of treating them in a daytreatment setting the process has been clarified and refined and is now quitesuccessful. For those who arestruggling with depression or anxiety, the Psychiatric Partial HospitalizationProgram at MidMichigan Medical Center â Gratiot may be reached at (989)466-3253. Senior Life Solutions can be reached at (989) 246-6339. Thoseinterested in more information on MidMichiganâÂÂs comprehensive behavioral healthprograms may visit
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Treating a mental illness is just asimportant as treating a physical one. Protecting and prioritizing youroverall health is essential for all levels of athletes buy levitra online from canada. ItâÂÂs not rare to havean athlete pull out of a race, game or event due to a physical injury. Seeingan athlete withdraw for mental health reasons is much less common, however, itsrecognition is just as important.
The hope going forward is buy levitra online from canada that we assistathletes in all aspects of performance and recognize that mental health is health. Thomas Bills, M.D., is a psychiatrist with a special interestin sports psychiatry. Dr. Bills is welcoming athletes to his office in theTowsley Building, located on the campus of MidMichigan Medical Center âÂÂMidland.
Those who would like to make an appointment may call the office at(989) 839-3385.The history of mental health treatment is a long story. The first private hospitals, known as almshouses, for those with severe symptoms of mental illnesses and the infirmed elderly, were created in the early 18th century. In the early 19th century, a new idea about care for the mentally ill called âÂÂmoral treatmentâ emerged, which focused on the belief that kindness and quietness in treatment would help with recovery. In the 1840âÂÂs, Thomas Kirkbride developed the âÂÂKirkbride Planâ for moral treatment that included sunshine, fresh air, privacy and comfort.
Throughout the 1850s and âÂÂ60s Dorothea Dix traveled throughout the country promoting this approach. By the 1870s virtually all states had such asylums. By the 1890s, private almhouses were sending people to the asylums. This influx overwhelmed both space and resources of the asylums and threatened their attempts at humane treatment.
The Great Depression in the 1930s drastically cut state appropriations and World War II created acute shortages of personnel. A move began to reduce costs. The large psychiatric hospitals began to be reduced to units within general hospitals. Some psychiatrists turned to the new Mental Hygiene movement and created outpatient clinics that focused on preventing psychiatric hospitalizations.
Others focused on the brain pathology and experimented with electric shock therapies, psychosurgery and different kinds of medications. By the 1950s, with the rise of nursing homes for the elderly, the asylum period came to an end. In Michigan, it was University of Michigan Professor William Herdman that set the wheels in motion to build a psychopathic hospital, which opened its doors in 1906, one of the first in the nation. The hospital has lead in cutting-edge research on brain function and the genetic underpinnings of mental illness symptoms ever since, including the development of the biopsychosocial model that is the foundation of psychiatry today.
It is out of this same reductionist approach that Partial Hospitalization was born. Doctors in the 1950s recognized that not all people being treated for mental illness needed overnight stays, even if they needed something more than a weekly appointment in an outpatient clinic. In the early 1960s a group of clinicians involved in the relatively new treatment approach of âÂÂday hospitalâ began to discuss the challenges of this approach. By the end of that decade they had organized the American Association for Partial Hospitalization (AAPH).
In 1988, Congress approved a major benefit change for Medicare by including reimbursement for PHP that met a strict definition â treatment five days a week, six hours a day. By the early 1990s, the group had grown to more than 1,200 members and published standards and guidelines for this mode of treatment. In the mid-1990s, the organization became the Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare (AABH) and now represents hundreds of providers and professionals in the United States, and is the leading advocate for Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) nationally. PHP is often used as a step down from an inpatient stay, or as a way to prevent an inpatient stay.
Partial is appropriate for people who are experiencing psychiatric symptoms that interfere with their daily functioning, but are not of imminent danger to themselves or others. The development of the IOP has followed a different route, one steered by the treatment of addictions. Addiction treatment began in an organized way between 1750 and 1850 through âÂÂmutual aid societies.â The asylum model was followed with the opening of âÂÂinebriate homesâ throughout the 19th century. Outpatient treatment for addiction began with the opening of the Charles B.
Towns Hospital in 1901 in New York. In 1906, a church-based therapy program began at BostonâÂÂs Emmanuel Clinic, which laid the foundations for the Alcoholics Anonymous movement, which began in earnest 25 years later. Outpatient addiction treatment options grew from 1920s through the 1950s. In the 1960s, insurances began to reimburse for treatments, which lead to continued growth in options.
The famous Betty Ford Clinic was founded in 1982. With the recognition that addictions often have co-occurring mental illness symptoms, by the 1990s addiction programs were expanding to include treatment for mental illness symptoms also, either as dual diagnosis with addictions or stand-alone diagnoses. Now there are IOP programs that specialize in addictions and those that treat specific mental illnesses, such as eating disorders, bipolar, PTSD, as well as general mental illness. There are also IOPs that serve specific age-related populations such as geriatrics, adolescents and children, as well as general adult programs.
IOP may be anywhere from three to five days a week, from three to five hours a day, depending on the program. Michigan has 25 Partial Programs. MidMichigan Medical Center â GratiotâÂÂs PHP began in 1995. It is one of only three such programs in Michigan north of Lansing.
The Gratiot program is an adult program and operates Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. ÃÂÂ 3 p.m. The average length of stay is seven days. Insurance coverage is the same as other hospitalization coverage.
MidMichigan also has an IOP program for seniors in Gladwin called Senior Life Solutions, which operates three days a week. Depression and anxiety are the most common mental health conditions in the U.S. And the most common conditions treated in GratiotâÂÂs PHP. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, depression affects about 7.1 percent of the U.S adult population, while anxiety affects about 18 percent of U.S.
Population. Adults with depression have a 64 percent greater risk of coronary artery disease. Depression often co-occurs with medical conditions. 25 percent of cancer patients experience depression, 10 to 27 percent of post-stroke patients, 30 percent of heart attack survivors, 50 percent of patients with ParkinsonâÂÂs disease, 30 percent of diabetes patients, and 40 to 70 percent of adult caregivers of the elderly struggle with depression.
Women are twice as likely as men to have depression. Research shows that people with anxiety are three to five times more likely to go to the doctor. In fiscal year 2021, depression was the most common diagnosis seen at GratiotâÂÂs PHP with nearly 83 percent of patients having this diagnosis. Thirty percent of those with depression had a secondary diagnosis of anxiety, with an addition 5 percent of patients having a primary anxiety diagnosis.
Over 100 years of moderntreatment of depression and anxiety has made it clear that these commonconditions are very treatable. In the 25 years of treating them in a daytreatment setting the process has been clarified and refined and is now quitesuccessful. For those who arestruggling with depression or anxiety, the Psychiatric Partial HospitalizationProgram at MidMichigan Medical Center â Gratiot may be reached at (989)466-3253. Senior Life Solutions can be reached at (989) 246-6339.
Thoseinterested in more information on MidMichiganâÂÂs comprehensive behavioral healthprograms may visit
Side effects that you should report to your prescriber or health care professional as soon as possible.
Side effects that usually do not require medical attention (report to your prescriber or health care professional if they continue or are bothersome):
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Pictured left to right is the Radiation Oncology team, Krystina Haggerty-McNeil, Curt Hampton, Mario Lacerna, M.D., Stephanie Haggerty-McNeil, Liza Morris, Denelle Shultz, Jin Xian Dai, Roxanne Foor.The American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) recently awarded four-year accreditation to MidMichigan Medical Center â Alpena for adopting procedures to encourage safety and quality of care in compliance with the standards of the Accreditation buy levitra online from canada Program for Excellence (APExî). APEx is an accreditation program developed by ASTRO that validates a radiation oncology facilityâÂÂs excellence in delivering high-quality patient care.âÂÂWe are very pleased to have received APEx accreditation from ASTRO, the largest radiation oncology society in the world.â said Mario Lacerna, M.D., medical director, radiation buy levitra online from canada oncology Medical Director âÂÂOur entire radiation oncology team was invested in evaluating our processes to meet ASTROâÂÂs high standards for safety and quality. Securing APEx accreditation serves to reinforce our obligation to deliver buy levitra online from canada consistent patient-centered cancer care.âÂÂâÂÂASTRO commends the Cancer Center for achieving APEx accreditation. By undergoing this comprehensive review, the facility has demonstrated a strong commitment to delivering safe, high-quality radiation oncology services to their patients,â said Thomas buy levitra online from canada J.
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To date, more buy levitra online from canada than 170 U.S. Facilities have earned APEx accreditation.APEx is a registered trademark of the American Society for Radiology Oncology (ASTRO).In a continued effort to offer ease of access to the erectile dysfunction treatment, MidMichigan Health has partnered with the Midland County Department of Public Health to provide a treatment clinic to those attending the Dow Great Lakes Bay Invitational on Saturday, July 17 buy levitra online from canada. The clinic will take place buy levitra online from canada from 8 a.m. To 7 p.m., in the MidMichigan Health tent located near the entrance of the tournament welcome tent at Midland Country Club.
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About the data used in this edition Data from 1948 to 1995 presented in these tables was sourced from publications in the Ministry of Health Mortality data and stats series. Data from 1996 to 2016 was extracted from the New Zealand Mortality Collection records on 07 June 2019. At the time of extraction, there were 606,450 levitra online usa deaths registered from 1996 to 2016. Included in this data were 641 deaths provisionally coded awaiting coronersâ findings and 41 deaths awaiting coronersâ findings with no known cause.
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We have quality checked the collection, extraction, and reporting of the data presented here levitra online usa. However errors can occur. Contact the Ministry of Health if you have any concerns regarding any of the data or analyses presented here, at
One of buy levitra online from canada the priority actions in the New Zealand Healthy Ageing Strategy (2016) was to improve models of care for Home and Community Support Services (HCSS) in response to the multiple and growing demands on HCSS. The National Framework for HCSS provides guidance for district health boards for future commissioning, developing, delivering and evaluating HCSS to improve national consistency and quality of care. The National Framework for HCSS was developed in collaboration with key stakeholders in the buy levitra online from canada HCSS sector, including older people and their whÃÂnau.
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people aged 65 years and over who have an assessed need in response to an interRAI assessment and meet criteria for funding people considered to be alike in age and interest â for example, Pacific peoples and MÃÂori, aged over 55 years, and others aged over 60 years, with age-related disabilities older people receiving HCSS who require increased support following an acute health episode who have required hospitalisation HCSS that may continue concurrently with short-term Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) services. Three additional initiatives are linked with developing the National Framework to help achieve consistency in service commissioning, provision and resource allocation. First, a buy levitra online from canada National Service Specification for HCSS.
This service specification will become the nationally mandated specification describing in detail the services and service approaches required of DHBs and providers. This National Service Specification will be implemented by July 2022, in line with DHB service commissioning timetables. This approach aims to achieve the best buy levitra online from canada balance between national consistency and flexibility for DHBs in meeting the needs of their populations.
Second, a nationally consistent case-mix methodology will be developed for all DHBs to use as a way of improving targeting of resources according to need. Some DHBs are already applying case-mix methods to resource allocation or use. However, different versions of the methodology are being used, resulting in some inconsistency buy levitra online from canada in resource allocation and lack of transparency across DHBs.
This indicates the need for a single, nationally consistent case-mix method which will also be implemented across all DHBs by July 2022. Third, a nationally consistent outcomes and measurement framework will be developed for use in HCSS and is expected to be completed by July 2021.The Historical mortality web tool presents mortality data (numbers and age-standardised rates) by sex for certain causes of death from 1948 to 2016. Mortality data buy levitra online from canada by sex, age group and ethnicity (MÃÂori and non-MÃÂori) is presented from 1996 to 2016.The web tool enables you to explore trends over time using interactive graphs and tables.
Filtered results and the full data set can be downloaded from within the web tool. The causes of death included are. All buy levitra online from canada cancer Ischaemic heart disease Cerebrovascular disease Chronic lower respiratory diseases Other forms of heart disease Influenza and Pneumonia Diabetes mellitus Motor vehicle accidents Intentional self-harm Assault All deaths.
The full data set presented in the web tool is available for you to download in text file format. A technical document accompanies the web tool. This document contains information about the data source and analytical methods used to produce summary data, and a data dictionary for variables used in the web tool buy levitra online from canada.
About the data used in this edition Data from 1948 to 1995 presented in these tables was sourced from publications in the Ministry of Health Mortality data and stats series. Data from 1996 to 2016 was extracted from the New Zealand Mortality Collection records on 07 June 2019. At the buy levitra online from canada time of extraction, there were 606,450 deaths registered from 1996 to 2016.
Included in this data were 641 deaths provisionally coded awaiting coronersâ findings and 41 deaths awaiting coronersâ findings with no known cause. Ethnic breakdowns of mortality data are only shown from 1996 onwards because there was a significant change in the way ethnicity was defined, and in the way ethnicity data was collected in 1995. For more information please refer to the Ministry of Health report, Mortality and Demographic Data buy levitra online from canada 1996.
Disclaimer In this edition, data for causes of death was extracted and recalculated for the years 1996âÂÂ2016 to reflect ongoing updates to data in the New Zealand Mortality Collection (for example, following the release of coronersâ findings) and the revision of population estimates and projections following each census. For this reason there may be small changes to some numbers and rates from those presented in previous publications and tables. We have quality checked the collection, extraction, and reporting of buy levitra online from canada the data presented here.
However errors can occur. Contact the Ministry of Health if you have any concerns regarding any of the data or analyses presented here, at
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